
From potato to potential
Wafer paper is a versatile medium that can be used for many applications. It is starch-based, edible and bio-degradable. Add to this that it is available in any way as sheets and on rolls and virtually (almost) all R&D project doors are opened! To evaluate if wafer paper is a feasible option for your project we would like to invite you to study our website and contact us via such that we can assess if our material would make sense for you!

Unique artwork using Primus wafer paper
We are excited to introduce artist Daniele Zonta who has created a unique artwork using Primus wafer paper. In this innovative project, he allowed crickets to eat portions of the edible paper, creating an intriguing contrast between the consumed and untouched sections. The result is a fascinating painting that explores the fragility and durability of materials in a new, creative way. This piece challenges us to rethink the relationship between nature, food, and art. We at Primus are proud to be a part of this beautiful artwork!

The Hanfticket: an edible ticket containing hemp seed oil
Wafer paper. You pobably know it as a protective layer for sticky products such as coconut macaroons, nougat and fruit bars. However, in the current biodegradable era, the original usage of wafer paper has been multiplied by all sorts of surprising, sustainable applications. For example, the Hanfticket: an edible ticket for public transport in Berlin containing hemp seed oil.
Social experiment
The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Germany’s biggest public transport company, wanted to test the social acceptance of the Cannabis plant with a marketing campaign on the topic of hemp. We made the Hanfticket, created by Jung von Matt, a leading creative advertising firm in Germany. The ticket contains pure hemp seed oil. We have formulated this substance in our organic printing ink with which our starch paper is printed.

Bio-degradable Art, Fashion & More
Wafer paper is a interesting vehicle used by many around the world to create edible masterpieces. But the opportunities are endless and go beyond food as well. The question is what is more important? The fact that it is edible or that it is (very quickly) bio-degradable? As always designers open the way for many more applications with their creativity. Here is an impression of designer outings that are seen made with wafer paper. Please share your pictures to inspire others as well.
Mrs. Jeannot Zandee graduated at Tilburg University with a wonderful pink wafer dress, carpet and wallpaper with edible paper.
Mr. Kristof Vrancken and Mr. Patrick Ceyssens from the LUCA School of Arts in Genk used edible wafer paper to project a virtual expo called Celibatair Divas around the Virga Jesse festivities in Hasselt. A dynamic exposition that people experienced walking through the expo.
At the Tedx conference held in October 2017 in Groningen all participants had their own edible badge and lanyard.